API Documentation v1.0 (2018/10/25)

Public methods:

1. Current average quotes

GET https://rates.50x.com/market/

Obtain current average quotes with the base in selected currency or 1/median quotes in selected currency

Name Type Mandatory Description
base String No Base currency symbol
coin String No Currency symbol


Sample query:

GET https://rates.50x.com/market?base=BTC

Sample reply:

        "vol": 15463,
        "rate": 4.183e-05, 
        "change": 0.0
        "vol": 463,
        "rate": 0.079074, 
        "change": -0.16

vol - volume in BASE units or in COIN units (depends on query)
rate - rate
change - changes in % over the last 24 hours

2. Orderbook

GET https://rates.50x.com/orderbook/

obtain orderbook for an indicated pair

Name Type Mandatory Description
pair String Yes Pair symbol

Sample query:

GET https://rates.50x.com/orderbook?pair=STE/ETH

Sample reply:

    "rate_med": 0.00108505, 
    "rate_bid": 0.00101011, 
    "rate_ask": 0.00115999, 
    "bid": [
        [0.00101011, 1085.55], 
        [0.0010101, 130.9999977], 
    "ask": [
        [0.00115999, 676.24147622], 
        [0.00116, 1423.12] 

rate_med - average price between best bid and best ask= ( best bid + best ask ) / 2
rate_bid - best bid
rate_ask - best ask
bid - bids (buy orders) array in format [ price, volume ]
ask - asks (sell orders) array in format [ price, volume ]

3. Chart

GET https://rates.50x.com/chart/

obtain median rates chart for a pair

Name Type Mandatory Description
pair String Yes Pair symbol
period String Yes Period symbol
begin Timestamp No Beginning of the requested period
end Timestamp No End of the requested period

Available periods: M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H2, H4, D, W
Sample query:

GET https://rates.50x.com/chart?pair=ETH/DASH&period=h1

Sample reply:

[{"close": 1.28261031,
  "date": 1536256800,
  "high": 1.29277708,
  "low": 1.27164355,
  "open": 1.28232894},
 {"close": 1.27752193,
  "date": 1536260400,
  "high": 1.30094927,
  "low": 1.2643695,
  "open": 1.28310266},
 {"close": 1.27696195,
  "date": 1536264000,
  "high": 1.28768982,
  "low": 1.27360386,
  "open": 1.27763158},

4. List of last trades

POST https://rates.50x.com/last_trades/


Name Type Mandatory Description
pair String No Pair’s name (obtain last trades for a pair)
sym String No Currency’s name (obtain last trades for a currency)

Sample reply:

{"ok": true,
 "trades": [{"bs": "b",
             "pair": "ETH/BTC",
             "rate": 0.02993642,
             "ts": 1536678972.0,
             "vol1": 0.81505393,
             "vol2": 0.0243998},
            {"bs": "b",
             "pair": "ETH/BTC",
             "rate": 0.03,
             "ts": 1536677973.0,
             "vol1": 10.0,
             "vol2": 0.3},

Private methods:

All methods are called upon by POST queries to https://api.50x.com with the signature and API key in HTTP header


from urllib import urlencode
import hashlib
import hmac
import requests
import json
import time

URL_50x = 'https://api.50x.com/'

def api_call_50x(method, pars, api_key, api_sec):
    headers = {}
    pars.update({'timestamp': int(time.time() * 1000)})
    query_string = urlencode(pars)
    m = hmac.new(api_sec.encode('utf-8'), query_string.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256)        
    sign = m.hexdigest()
    pars['signature'] = sign
    query_string = urlencode(pars)
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'User-Agent': '50x/python',
        'X-MBX-APIKEY': api_key,
        'ORIGIN-PARS': query_string.encode('utf-8')
    sr = requests.post(URL_50x+method+'/', data=pars, headers=headers).text
    rj = json.loads( sr )
    return rj

print api_call_50x( 'json.userinfo', {}, KEY_50x, SEC_50x )
print api_call_50x( 'json.place_order', {'pair':'STE/ETH','ot':'l','v':200,'r':0.001,'bs':'b'}, KEY_50x, SEC_50x )
print api_call_50x( 'json.orderslist', {'pair':'STE/ETH'}, KEY_50x, SEC_50x )

All methods return JSON.
In case of success, JSON will NOT contain error field.
In case of an error, method will return JSON with {error:"error description"}
If method is designed to be called upon by an authorized user, but is called without authorization, JSON will contain {error:"Login required"}

1. User information:

POST https://api.50x.com/json.userinfo/

After authorization, user information and balances are shown
Parameters: No
Sample reply (subsequently, additional fields may appear):

    "email_confirmed": true, 
    "last_auth_ip": "", 
    "lang": "en", 
    "first_name": "Nick", 
    "ip_restriction_list": "", 
    "blocked": 0, 
    "prev_auth_ip": "", 
    "email": "nick3@mail.com", 
    "username": "nick3@mail.com", 
    "ip_restriction_enabled": false, 
    "fa2_auth_enabled": true, 
    "last_name": "", 
    "actions": "", 
    "balances": [
        ["A2A(B)", 0.074999889323, 0.0],
        ["A2A", 0.0, 0.0], 
        ["BTC", 0.8909556407, 0.28180805], 
        ["ETH", 13.08039, 7.614], 
        ["LTC", 0.11994, 0.0], 
        ["PCT", 0.0, 0.0],
        ["DASH", 0.0, 0.0],
        ["USDT", 0.0, 0.0], 
        ["BTG", 0.0, 0.0], 
        ["BCH", 0.0, 0.0], 
        ["TRX", 1839.7, 100.2], 
        ["GSXC", 0.0, 0.0]


2. Incoming transactions

POST https://api.50x.com/json.incoming_transactions/

shows list of incoming transactions (deposits)

Name Type Mandatory Description
pn String No Page number starting from 1 (one page = 30 items)
sym String No currency symbol (for example, ETH,BTC,LTC…)
state String No “wait” or “ok” (to be deposited or already deposited)

Sample reply:

    "ok": true, 
    "orders": [
        {"addr": "0x4687d453980f7da22ce8d2960c55045480edcf99", 
         "rec_time": 1522572619.0, 
         "txh": "0x9a8bdc9677dd33580738e0d0b2cfce260d68dae93a12d401c05889cd731e2468", "
         symbol": "ETH", 
         "amount": 0.1, 
         "state": "ok", 
         "confirmations": 98}, 
        {"addr": "0x4687d453980f7da22ce8d2960c55045480edcf99",
         "rec_time": 1522146010.0, 
         "txh": "0x3fbf75c3e54ab072486c9c708a545fe6123dc76aa0418826e09dac0ce060f6b2", 
         "symbol": "ETH", 
         "amount": 0.002,
         "state": "ok",
         "confirmations": 5697}, 
        {"addr": "0x4687d453980f7da22ce8d2960c55045480edcf99", 
         "rec_time": 1522146010.0, 
         "txh": "0x300fb44b9782d1d977472148d306297de8f887662a2677364dabde84044e6230", 
         "symbol": "ETH",
         "amount": 0.0003, 
         "state": "ok", 
         "confirmations": 5765}

3. List of withdrawal orders

POST https://api.50x.com/json.withdraw_orders/

List of withdrawal orders

Name Type Mandatory Description
pn String No page number starting form 1 (one page = 30 items)
sym String No Currency symbol (for example, ETH,BTC,LTC…)
state String No “new”, “confirmed”, “done” (new, confirmed, completed)

Sample reply:

    "ok": true, 
    "orders": [
        {"symbol": "DOGE", 
         "state": "done", 
         "time_payout": 1522220735.0, 
         "time_confirm": 1522220553.0, 
         "to_tag": null, 
         "time_create": 1522195200.0, 
         "out_txh": "4c024b9a56da913194850b3339f5c4ae03d7b0cfc3d8d7c86d70f2f97ee4f99b", 
         "to_addr": "DKJ4uJWKtP5oZtTbfuyzNTPfuVC444eSZr", 
         "amount": 98.0}, 
        {"symbol": "DASH", 
         "state": "done", 
         "time_payout": 1522218636.0,
         "time_confirm": 1522218603.0,
         "to_tag": null, 
         "time_create": 1522195200.0, 
         "out_txh": "acb3582a3238ee3722e83a900988de6f994dfa982fd628eb6bdb1b64f147f718",
         "to_addr": "XnJ44u6EAyc3ePTZcxkcW1dFrVFvfc4ggh",
         "amount": 0.00797}

4. Placing an order

POST https://api.50x.com/json.place_order/

Placing a trading order

Name Type Mandatory Description
pair String Yes Trading pair (for example, ETH/BTC, ETH/DASH, LTC/ETH)
v Float Yes Volume
ot String Yes Order type (l - limit, m - market)
r Float Yes Order execution rate
bs String Yes If BUY, then b, if SELL, then s
lifetime Float No Number of seconds of order’s lifetime from placement (optional)
expire_time Float No time when order is automatically cancelled (optional, lifetime has the priority)

Sample reply:

{"ok": true,
 "order": {"bs": "b",
           "expire_time": 0,
           "filled_vol": 0,
           "oid": 151871,
           "pair": "ETH/BTC",
           "rate": 0.001,
           "state": 0,
           "sym1": "ETH",
           "sym2": "BTC",
           "time_cancel": 0,
           "time_complete": 0,
           "time_create": 1536856649.0,
           "time_last_fill": 0,
           "type": "l",
           "vol": 1.0}

5. Order cancellation

POST https://api.50x.com/json.cancel_order/

Cancels open orders

Name Type Mandatory Description
oid String Yes id orders

Sample reply:

{"oid": 151871, "ok": true}

6. Changing orders

POST https://api.50x.com/json.change_order/

Change an open order

Name Type Mandatory Description
oid String Yes id orders
amount Float No order’s new volume (optional, if not included or = 0, then volume shall remain unchanged)
rate Float No order’s new rate (optional, if not included or = 0, then rate shall remain unchanged)
expire_time Float No order’s expiration time, unix timestamp (when it is automatically cancelled, optional, if not inlucded, shall remain unchanged)

Sample reply:

{"ok": true}

7. Open orders

POST https://api.50x.com/json.orderslist/

Returns list of open orders or closed orders, if history=1 parameter is included

Name Type Mandatory Description
history String No if included, shows history, and not open orders
pn Float No page number starting from 1 (one page = 50 orders)
pair String No selection based on the indicated pair (for example, ETH/BTC, ETH/DASH, LTC/ETH)
sym1 String No selection based on the pair’s first symbol (for example, for ETH/BTC, the first symbol is ETH)
sym2 String No selection based on the pair’s second symbol (for example, for ETH/BTC, the second symbol is BTC)
ot String No selection based on the order’s type (l,m,c - see place_order description)
bs String No selection based on BUY or SELL, b and s values respectively
state Float No selection based on the trading order’s state

list of possible states of trading orders:
0 - Waiting, 1 - Placed, 2 - Partial filled, 3 - Full filled, 50 - Wait for cancel, 51 - Cancelling, 52 - Cancelled
Sample reply:

{"ok": true, "orders": [
    {"time_last_fill": 0, 
     "time_cancel": 0, 
     "filled_vol": 0.0, 
     "rate": 0.07598567,
     "commission": 0.2,
     "vol": 1.0,
     "time_create": 1525244149.0, 
     "oid": 101011, 
     "sym1": "ETH", 
     "time_complete": 0, 
     "condition_details": null, 
     "sym2": "BTC", 
     "state": 0, 
     "condition_type": null, 
     "bs": "b", 
     "pair": "ETH/BTC", 
     "type": "l"},

8. Blotter - cashflow

POST https://api.50x.com/json.blotter/

Obtain all operations with the selected currency on the account

Name Type Mandatory Description
sym String Yes Currency symbol
{"ok": true, 
 "blotter": [{"addr": "",
              "amount": 1.0,
              "at": 1536857914.0,
              "data_id": 151907,
              "o_bs": "b",
              "o_pair": "ETH/BTC",
              "o_rate": 0.03247101,
              "o_t": "m",
              "o_vol": 1.0,
              "sym": "ETH",
              "t": "tc",
              "tag": "",
              "txh": ""}],